Tuesday, February 2, 2010




I am travelling with my 姉 this time. We will be venturing outta Tokyo to more rural places.
Our itinerary includes 日光、高山、鎌倉、箱根、名古屋、大阪 and 横浜.
This is our current destinations planned.

For this trip, I hope to blog daily so memories are well written down for future flashback.
We will be leaving for 成田空港 on 25th March 2010 to start our 10 days free and easy adventure.

Keep tuning in for more updates!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

I took the move

I went to register for my baking class today. Horray!!!! V(^o^)///
This is the first new year targets I achieved. There are many more..... (T_T;;;)

I have always wanted to be a patissier. It's not something big but my childhood dream. I love cakes and pastries, especially those fluffy sponge cake with 生クーリム. It's difficult not to stare at those beautifully decorated and delicious cake everytime I walked past a dessert or cake shop in Japan.

Photos from dailydelicious.

So let's wait patiently for my very own creation. 頑張ります!