没有华丽的舞台和灯光,《JJ World Tour 2009 第一站》在新加坡室内体育场准时开唱。
以[由你选择]令全场观众高声尖叫。身穿银色上衣和白色紧身裤的JJ与dancers和他的Baby J一起怦怦跳跳的正式开幕。
《1943 ,简简单单,豆浆油条》等等耳熟能祥的歌曲。
唱足3个半了小时的演唱会在JJ感谢所有台前幕后工作人员之后圆满结束。这时一同观赏演唱会的表姐给了我一个很大的惊喜 - 我可以到后台与JJ合照。" 哇靠!SURE OR NOT! " was my first reaction and she replied "YES!!! I am soooo sure."
Then all 6 of us went to meet JJ backstage.
It was nothing fantastic like taking photos or autograph signing. The arrangement was kinda chaotic. Organisers are just trying to rush and get things done. We were being lead to a corridor with 8 other members and took a 30 secs photo with JJ by their photographer.
The very next moment, we were asked to leave. ( ? _ ? )
Some of them have already shaked his hand and moving off. We were blocked by some staff and they were actually guiding JJ back behind the curtain while waiting for the next group. I was soooo shocked. Luckily, Heather called out to JJ and thank goodness, he turned and stayed. So all of us managed to shake his hand and give him our wishes.
In conclusion, I had a great evening without spending any money ('cos the tickets are free) and got a chance to meet JJ in REAL.
Ohh... no no no....! I did spent S$5 for JJ World Tour 2009 merchandise as a souvenior for this concert.
Hee hee hee........