11th April 2006, I went home looking forward to see our "Forbidden Dog". You must be wondering why forbidden ..... 'cos it was brought home under the HIGH OBJECTION of our eldest sister.
He was only 3 months old, so small and cute. I think he was in deep depression when he first arrived in our home. He simply 'sticked' to his bed all day long (yes, he has his own miniature single bed). We thought "WOW, he was a good boy!" but who knows .......
He was only 3 months old, so small and cute. I think he was in deep depression when he first arrived in our home. He simply 'sticked' to his bed all day long (yes, he has his own miniature single bed). We thought "WOW, he was a good boy!" but who knows .......

Our nightmare begins on the third day upon his arrival. He started biting everything that came across him .... from toilet papers, our kitchen slippers to the furniture. My mum was going CRAZY...!!! That's not the worst. The headache was : Toilet train. We have to make him learned that he can only poo and pee in the toilet. There was lotsa screaming and yelling during the training. We finally realised that he will sniff and turn round & round in search of the most ideal location to do his business. ^ ^ ;;
We sort of successful toilet train him after so many months. However, he still pee and poo anywhere in the kitchen when he is not in good mood (my dog has a very serious attitude problem). There is one thing that till now we are still trying very hard to make him STOP BARKING!!! Isn't it normal for a dog to bark? Well, it is but not when barking was aimed at anyone who passes our front door. Aarrggghhhh........!!!!! Anybody out there with an excellent tip???
Alright, I think my dog should be feeling very shy now with so many bad habits!!! Now, some interesting moments to share!!
The funniest part was naming him. We had names like Ah Boy, Mo Mo, Blackie, and many many more until my sister has to search the web for pets name. The whole thing was like naming a baby, in fact we really are having a baby but the only different is he's a dog. My younger brother finally decide on Toby after going through the list of names we selected.
Next was little actions that makes him adorable. He will greeted every single one of us with his ever tip top sharp bark when we returned home from work. The excitement was shown on his body, from wagging his tail to requesting you to carry and sayang him. After all these request has been done, he will stopped his bark with satisfaction. Isn't he sweet??
And the only time you see him quiet and obedient hiding under my brother's bed or kitchen chair was when there's a thunder storm. He totally freaked out. My mum always commented that our dog is a fierce dog without guts!!!
Anyway, in a month time - January 11, our baby will be turning ONE!!! Happy Birthday!!!